The Music Business Success Code...

Atlanta, GA (RPRN) 06/03/14

Celebrities Endorse ‘The Music Business Success Code’

The long awaited music business HIDDEN SECRETS will be revealed on June 23, 2014 in a book entitled ‘'The MUSIC BUSINESS SUCCESS CODE: Creating a Strategy and Action Plan written by Tesah ‘Mystri’ Carnes.

This book is the first in a series of seventeen books which breaks down the business of music in simple language for readers of all ages. This self-help book series provides new hope for artists, music executives and aspiring investors who are seeking knowledge pertaining to the business of music as well as giving them simple steps to successfully plan, produce and promote their projects.

So whether you are an indie artist, a struggling music executive or an aspiring investor in the music business; this book series provides simple guidelines on how to PLAN, PROMOTE and PRODUCE your project. This book exposes SECRETS that are only privy to major label executives while outsiders would pay big bucks to acquire.

I just read it, I could not put it down; I love it. If you want to be successful in the music business or any business; it’s a good book to get” said top comedian Brandon T. Jackson.

"This book here is the TRUTH, exactly what the music business has been looking for all these years. I truly recommend this book as it gives away secrets that were only available selfish music executives. It will be a great help to independent artists" commented veteran comedian AJ Johnson.

"I highly recommend this book for all indie artists, music business investors, school leaders and others.... This book has my full endorsement. After reading through this book; I truly believe that this book has come to help indie artists for real" endorsed NFL Player, Jorvorskie Lane.

Who is Mystri? 
Mystri is an international music executive veteran who has over 20 years experience in the entertainment business. She has toured the world with several top selling international recording artists as well as administered several major tours and concerts.

After 8 years of working with independent artists, celebrity publicists, multi-platinum producers and others. I decided to write this book to be the guide that will help people. I wish I had this book when I was starting out” she commented.

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About the author:
Mystri is an international music executive veteran who has over 20 years experience in the entertainment business. She has toured the world with several top selling international recording artists as well as administered several major tours and concerts.